Illinois-Eastern Iowa District of Key Club International
Criteria for the 1998-1999
Distinguished Club Member Award HOME | Back to Awards Listing
Member’s Name _________________________________________________________________
Club ___________________________________________________________________________
To be eligible for this award, the Officer must meet the following guidelines:
1. Fulfill all mandatory criteria.
2. Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors must fulfill at least 6 of the 9 additional criteria.
Freshman must fulfill at least 5 of the 9 additional criterial.
3. Only one member per class per club may be nominated for the award. Entering more then one member will cause all members of that class in that club to be disqualified for the award.
To be eligible for consideration, this form and all items must be postmarked and performed by January 30, 1999 and then sent to: Chris Novotny, Lt. Gov. Div. 5/6, 7631 Clarendon Hills Road, Willowbrook, IL 60514
Mandatory Criteria |
Yes |
No |
1. Attend a majority of club meetings. |
____ |
____ |
2. Perform at least sixty (60) hours of service. |
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3. Cannot be club President, Vice President, Secretary, Stat. Sec., or Treasurer |
____ |
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Additional Criteria |
Yes |
No |
1. Attendend I-I District Convention during his/her year of nomination. |
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____ |
2. Attend all regular club meetings. |
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3. Attend at least 1 meetings of sponsoring kiwanis club. |
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4. Attend Regional Training Conference in the year of his/her nomination. |
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5. Attend International Convention duing his/her year of nomination. |
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____ |
6. Participate in at least one interclub. |
____ |
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7. Serve on a committee. |
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8. Work on a Kiwanis Service Project. |
____ |
____ |
9. Attend Holiday Embrace during his/her year of nomination. |
____ |
____ |
We hereby nominate the above for the Distinguished Member Award
Faculty Advisor
Kiwanis Advisor
Lt. Governor, Division______
All signatures must be present for nominee to be considered for this award.
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